We have had some wonderful visits in the Seattle area...

We have had some wonderful visits in the Seattle area, all people we have known long, and some much longer than others! So many beautiful things. Saturday is the day I try to set aside for gratefulness in the midst of everything. So…We have traveled 3,000 miles already—safety on the road, good driving conditions—thank you Lord.

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Ah yes, another quick note.

And I probably will stop saying that whether the notes are long or short. It is unlikely I can keep up daily updates with travel and meetings. We have not been in the US for a week yet, and we have had 10 different kinds of meetings already.

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I could not help but weep this morning.

We just got word that Lena and her husband Sergei have somehow managed to get from Russia to Latvia. They have been so heavy on my heart. I can only say, THANK YOU, Jesus! I think from Latvia they will try to go to Poland. And I assume eventually back to Ukraine. Oh, pray for them and people like them who have been through such trauma. And all those who are still caught somewhere experiencing daily trauma and terror.

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Just a brief note tonight.

Abe is working on calling and scheduling meetings. Our greatest difficulty always is that churches only have Sunday morning meetings and we would have to stay here for a year or two to cover everyone on a Sunday!

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