We have had some wonderful visits in the Seattle area, all people we have known long, and some much longer than others! So many beautiful things. Saturday is the day I try to set aside for gratefulness in the midst of everything. So…We have traveled 3,000 miles already—safety on the road, good driving conditions—thank you Lord.
Friday night we were with friends who left Rivne 18 years ago. Anatoli and Myra did all the videoing of Abe’s lectures in earlier years. What a joy to see them!
And then today Igor drove many miles to meet up with us. He left Ukraine many years ago, but in earlier days (1990), within a few months of our moving to Ukraine, he showed up at our door in Kyiv with another brother from the city of Lutsk and asked if Abe would come to their city and lead courses with the men. They were so anxious for training. He’s still on fire for the Lord and continues to seek ways to serve.
And there are many other beautiful stories. It has been very busy with so many meetings. Now we are close to the border of Canada because we rather desperately need some rest before the next stage of the journey. We will have a sabbath tomorrow to guard body, soul and spirit and then Lord willing will go into Canada on Monday morning. We think all our documents are in order and there should be no problem but do pray that it will be smooth. (We’ve never used our vaccination certificates outside of Ukraine! But they are supposed to be international.)
We continue to seek God’s direction in contacts and meetings.
Oh, I must stop and share a story. When we were still on Montana we stopped at a random gas station and when the cashier saw the Ukrainian flags on our car she came out and started talking and said she was praying for Ukraine. She said she is Catholic and she was so full of the joy of the Lord! And when Abe gave her a brochure she said, “Oh give me more! This is important!” Just a random meeting that blessed us.
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