The workshop last week went well. It was a partial retreat so a bit of extended time, and people appreciated that. Attendance was lower, but we are hitting the distractions of summer activities with people holding camps etc.
One of our couples had a baby during this time! No, they were not at the workshop!!! But praise God for another little new life. The mother also had severe bleeding afterwards and was in intensive care, but…with transfusions she is now doing well.
The Lord indeed gave me (Diane) stamina during this time and it went well. The materials were well received. On the last day (Thursday) I would say I did not even feel especially weary when I was speaking. Certainly that is only the Lord’s undertaking. Thank you for praying for that!
The day after the workshop (Friday) I did come down with an infection that knocked me down a bit. However with antibiotics I was still able to enjoy Ellie’s celebration Saturday and definitely felt back up to par by Monday.
Because we were at Dan and Priscilla’s over Sunday we were able to attend church there. We have watched many of these people grow up in Christ. So it is always a joy to be there. And now it is a joy to see so many new faces! They regularly have new people coming. The light of Jesus shines brightly after Dan and Priscilla’s many faithful years serving in this town.
And now we are back home and happy to be here! Abe is trying to fix up some things so that we can enjoy our deck and flower garden etc. during these weeks of summer. We will not be taking any particular vacation. Maybe going away for two or three days a couple times. Otherwise as much as possible we hope to relax at home.
The next workshop will be July 4-6. We will be reviewing all the materials on Immanuel Prayer for Healing the Heart that I shared with them this time: fielding questions, correcting translation, restating the materials. It’s a lot to learn in one time although people can already put little things into practice. As we especially addressed the issue of trauma my heart was touched as I could see the struggle on some faces. Personal struggles. I pray the Lord will help them work through some of these things themselves as well as giving them an opportunity to help other people. So please pray for these people as they review the material over the next two weeks. Also those who were absent have been sent all the materials and assigned to watch the videos so that they can participate next time. And pray for me as I work through what needs to emphasized, or gaps that need to be filled. I don’t know, but I will be spending much time in prayer about it.
A number of the leaders of the Centers of Hope feel that they have several people close to the Kingdom of Heaven. Pray for them as they work with these lost souls, that they would find ways to touch their hearts and lead them into a personal relationship with Christ.
And pray for Abe as he works intensively on various training materials he needs to present over the coming months. He is trying to do as much as possible now, before this next workshop, so that he will have “some” free time yet this summer to relax.
The “theme” verse during the workshop was Isaiah 41:10. It starts with “Fear not, for I am with you.” Jesus is with you. He is not a God far away. He is right here, right now. And (one of the Biblical principles from Immanuel Prayer) He always wants to connect with you. Always. Isn’t that incredible?? Well, yes, so incredible that a lot of Christians seem to not believe it. We have incredible truths in the Bible that have become so familiar in words that we don’t even hear what it says anymore.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for praying! Praise God for His answers this past week! May you sense His presence in an extra special way in your life today.
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