Oh, may we always praise the Lord for His goodness, whatever the circumstances.
I feel I am making good progress on the counseling materials that I have been gathering and preparing. Almost everything has been sent to the translator. A number of people have helped me find things and advised me. Indeed I am grateful!
Last week Abe and I actually had the opportunity to be in a conference session with 300 Ukrainians, many of whom are chaplains, and all of whom are concerned and involved in helping people with the trauma of the war, whether physically or spiritually. And we met with some dedicated men working with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Assoc and had a bit of fellowship. So encouraging to see so many people who care about Ukraine—whether they are from abroad or men and women who are living and working here. May the Lord be praised!
One of our young couples came for a visit, as they had missed the last workshop and so Abe brought them up to date. I enjoyed meeting them and they enjoyed seeing us and where we live. Eugene and Kathy would be English translation of their names. Dedicated. Diligent.
And yes, reports continue to come in of people being saved and baptized. A lot of ministry going on as some of the Center of Hope leaders really begin to come into their own. It is a joy to see. And all of you are part of these people entering the Kingdom of God as you pray! Thank you!
Abe left this afternoon for Kyiv and the next workshop. His focus will be on vision and planning. Very few people have been trained in how to plan for ministry, beyond and one-time event. But to see, “what do I want to happen in five years, and how do we get there”. This is all new material. Pray for Abe as he tries to communicate these principles (actually he has done this many times both here and in Russia with all kinds of leaders!) and that people will actually see how they can plan weekly and monthly to reach what they envision happening in 5 years—or next year for that matter!
The war has become much more personal. One of our faithful coworkers, Ivan, may be drafted. Recruiters are going door to door in towns and villages looking for men over the age of 27. Ivan has worked with us for over 20 years. Actually came to us right out of university having graduated in computer science. He has a lot of expertise and goes to every workshop to run the technical equipment, as well as all the computer, video, etc work he does when at home. He also does a lot of volunteer work in those areas for our church here. He is about mid-40’s. We of course would prefer that he did NOT have to go and serve. And he would like to continue in his ministry. But there are few exemptions from service. Please pray about this situation with us. And pray especially for peace for him and his dear wife Ivanka, whatever direction the Lord takes him in.
There have been many missile and drone attacks across Ukraine this past week. How our hearts ache over the destruction. We know you pray. We value your prayers.
This short devotional from Harvest Prayer Ministries encouraged my heart today, and it has a “double” meaning for us in talking about warfare.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
Perhaps the greatest need of our day is for praying Christians. When we look at the warfare, both in the world and in the church, the clear-minded, self-controlled Christian will drop to his or her knees in fervent, Spirit-led prayer. The church triumphant is a church connected with her Head through prayer and moving boldly through the current warfare with her eyes fixed firmly on Jesus take heart! I have overcome the world.
(John 16:33)
“Lord Jesus, I give You thanks for Your victory over the enemy. I choose today to walk in Your victory. Through You Lord, I push back my enemy, through Your name, I trample my foe. Help me to always keep my eyes fixed on You. I take heart this day that You have overcome the world!”
And yes, this past week both Abe and I felt there was spiritual warfare going on in our own lives with our various responsibilities. And we pray on
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