We are both feeling much better after having been in Ohio for a week. Kind of got over the travel exhaustion! Maybe still sleeping a bit extra but, overall feeling 100% better!
We bought a cheap bird feeder to put up and enjoy seeing some birds hopping around and especially some cardinals. Those who know me well know that I have a collection of red birds accumulated through the years. Ukrainian people often exclaim over it when they come to our home. There is a special history behind the beginning of that collection but one of the aspects is that it reminds me of home. Cardinals have not made it to the other side of the Atlantic!
Today we leave for Pennsylvania and will be there a few days. I’m writing our schedule as it exists until August 31 when we fly out. It is possible that some other mid-week meetings will come up. If you want details as to time or addresses then please email me. Otherwise, we appreciate your prayers as we share in different ways in different places, that God will use us to His glory, and that people’s hearts will be touched by the need in Ukraine.
Wonderful news we received this week: Our daughter Priscilla and granddaughter Ellie will be joining some of the family for a little get-together later this month. Their documents for living in Ukraine were finally processed so they are free to come. A bit of a break from the ongoing needs in Ukraine and some time of fellowship. We are spending a few days together near the Creation Museum and Noah’s Ark Encounter. Priscilla will only stay altogether for 10 days or so, but Ellie will fly back to Oregon with her uncle and his family to spend a couple months with them. A special joy for all of us!
I have been reading a book (so what’s new!!!) “Joyful Journey”. Usually I get e-books or audio books, but I have already read this through twice and realized I needed a hard copy. Of course we often think about our return to Ukraine (and sometimes are just plain homesick to do so). And what we have to keep with us always is the joy that comes from the Lord. It IS our strength. This book is about journaling in a very specific way—to be God-conscious all the time. And a big part of it is being thankful. Another part is hearing His response. But right now I mostly think of the people who are working with those returning to their cities and towns, even though we still have people fleeing. As believers, if we don’t have joy in the darkest of circumstances, then what do we have to offer that is any different from the rest of the world. And how do we keep that joy? It is often snatched away from us, isn’t it? But…we must continually refocus on what brings our joy back or keeps it in place. If you see someone with a joyful countenance, are you drawn to them? That’s why smiles are so valuable. Ukraine was only moving to the place where smiles were more commonly seen. Pray for those working in whatever capacity with refugees and displaced, helping to rebuild in whatever way or passing out aid, that, as believers they will exude this joy, and people will be drawn to it and desire this joy of the Lord in their own hearts.
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