As we wrote last time Abe made a trip to a couple more areas last weekend. When the driver came to pick Abe up he was maybe 5 minutes late and apologized. And then showed us this picture. The garage where he stores his car had burned down that morning. Someone had the presence of mind to move it out quickly, but the other car in the garage was…. God’s grace upon Sasha. And upon Abe and his team. Sasha had committed to driving Abe all this winter. Another provision of God!
Abe felt the presentations of Centers of Hope were well received on the trip. As always, he does not just present but challenges people with new ideas! His reputation across Ukraine is on his side as far as people listening and considering what he says.
His trip this weekend was moved to next week, so we had all week to work on office work, cleaning up a lot of things that were hanging because of our long absence. It was very fruitful!
There is great rejoicing in Ukraine today as the city of Kherson is officially again under the control of Ukraine. Kherson is in the southeast and was the first major city taken over by Russia early on in the war and the only regional capitol. What this means as the war progresses---? But rejoice in an important victory anyway!
And we have such faithful people whom Abe has already been working with for a number of years. In spite of power outages, they are going ahead with holding Bible studies with seekers!
Abe now will be leaving Tuesday and traveling through Saturday next week, covering 4 provinces this time. He will again be presenting Centers of Hope to these leaders from probably a total of 8 regions. He has also been asked to lead the 45-minute devotional time with each group with a focus of praying from the Bible. This is a great joy to his heart as we want every ministry we are involved in to be based on prayer. Pray for safety on the road, a good response to Centers of Hope, and wisdom in presenting fresh and dynamic ways of praying.
A major focus of prayer right now, and it will be ongoing in the weeks and even months to come, is for God to bring us the right couples to open Centers of Hope. What are we looking for?
Husband & Wife teams
Dynamic Relationship with Jesus
Passion for lost Souls
Willing to move and live on site
Willing to learn
Showing the character traits of Colossians 3:12-14: compassionate, kind, humble, patient, forgiving, full of the love of Christ
And yes, we do have people who are already interested. Abe will be holding an initial meeting early in December to make a full presentation to them.
Thank you for standing together with us in prayer! To Him be all glory
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