A little different focus this time.
A couple weeks ago a young mother came up to me to say that her little girl (about 5 years old I believe) prays every day for Ukraine, even when the rest of the family forgets.
It reminded me how beautiful is the faith of a child, and that the Lord listens to the prayers of these little ones. Praise the Lord for little children and their faith--which Jesus admonished us to have.
Then another young lady thought it would be a good idea to have a cake sale to help raise money for Ukraine and Centers of Hope! She and her family got busy baking along with others in the church family and yesterday morning they raised £170, and still sold more after the evening service! Yes! The Lord uses children in many ways! What beautiful hearts and what beautiful encouragement to the church family—and the people of Ukraine.
And this is not the first time. We received a gift from a children’s Sunday School in July for $300. Praise the Lord for the soft hearts of children and the parents and teachers who are leading, guiding and encouraging them.
Another note of praise, as many of you keep asking. Our grandson Jesse continues to improve, though it be slowly and with care. So rejoice with us as he seems to stabilize and hopefully move soon towards a more “normal” life.
In Ukraine the Gospel continues to go out and many of the men Abe has worked with the past few years continue to minister. They even held a meeting on evangelism and ministering during war time. Praise God for faithful, faithful men.
Pray for one of the churches in the Russian occupied zone. The pastor left the church at the beginning of the war and another man stepped up to lead. He was taken away the beginning of this month and forced to sign a statement that the church was cooperating with the west in bringing in weapons etc and distributing them (Total lies of course). The Russians stole all of value from the church, burned the Bibles and Christian literature and locked the door and said it is not allowed to exist. Please pray for these suffering believers. Pray for this pastor that he would be returned safely to his family. And this is only one of many, but this specific request was brought to my attention yesterday.
We have one more week in England. We will be taking the rest of this week off for some final quiet time and relaxation before we start travelling again and making our way to Ukraine. That means no computers/email at least until the end of the week…just a heads up. We have had some blessed fellowship here, but we need to turn our hearts towards Ukraine.
Today we took the opportunity to watch Queen Elizabeth’s funeral with some of the people at the church. We enjoyed sharing that experience with others and being part of this final ceremony honoring a lady who served her country and her God for 70 years. She will have influence on generations to come. She was vocal in her faith in Jesus Christ. Here are her own words at the time she began on her journey of service as queen.
The whole of life is a journey to God…I have not chosen this office for myself:
He has appointed me to it, and I go to be consecrated to it by him…
And because he leads, I may follow in complete trust.
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