• Last week was quite intense for Abe but God sustained him through it. The last evangelism specific workshop until autumn for the group who already have Centers of Hope up and running. Different struggles. Many testimonies to God’s working.
  • Following that workshop the next day Abe went to a pastors conference. It was held at a retreat center and Abe got this very strong impression that he should take along his own projector and speaker, and extension cord, even though all of the technical things were provided. There was an urgent knock on his door Friday evening. “None of the staff from the center are working on Saturday and we are not allowed to use any of their equipment!” Abe was to speak for about 3 hours on Saturday. No problem! Someone easily hooked up our equipment and everything went as planned! Amazing! He even had Ukrainian music videos because they could not use soundboard or anything for singing. God’s hand. Your prayers.
  • When Abe got home Saturday evening we immediately left to go to a nearby hotel complex to rest for two full days. I knew Abe was tired before that week began. And as lovely as our place is, if we were at home he would be thinking about the painting he needed to do and the gardening—no longer in a relaxed manner because he was so tired. So we had two full days of nothing but peace and quiet and rest! When we got back home Tuesday he was again excited about his projects. And feeling much more rested! Thank You Lord for these opportunities.
  • There are rotating power outages around the country. Priscilla said that they have them happen a couple times a day for a couple or so hours each time. But not according to the schedule which makes planning hard. And now when we go downtown there is the hum of generators again everywhere. And…we have had no outages. It is an ongoing wonder to us! And an extra thank You to the Lord!
  • And, a huge praise which I have not mentioned yet. My energy levels have gone back to normal! I was tracking what happened after the medical checkups in February and my notes from mid-April show that I was coming back up to power. What an incredible gift from God!!!


  • Russia’s attacks seem so intense. We have many air sirens going off. And yes, they are targeting energy facilities. And men are being called up. One of our leaders was called up last week which means, there will not be a Center of Hope there. Bogdan, who organized the pastors conference and has planted 7 or so churches, was stopped at a checkpoint on his way home and required to report for conscription. Another long-time acquaintance who is a professor at a seminary was called up. He went to the office and asked for a one-year deferment because there was no one else prepared to take over in his department and his groups of students would not be able to graduate next year. And they gave him an indefinite deferment! Praise God! He is 55. But, for many that is not the case. Pray for pastors and Christian leaders as they make appeals, and that they will rest in the knowledge that even if they have to leave their families and ministries, God wants to use them and will use them.
  • Vera has put her trip to Crimea on hold. Ukraine has been attacking military facilities there. She is not afraid. But she is also not sure it is wise right now. Getting there is one thing. Getting back might be another. Such are the uncertainties of life here. Pray for her that she will find opportunities for a holiday here, and a companion to share it with. And pray that the Lord will open the door in due time for her to visit her family in Crimea. Abe is willing to let her go even in the autumn when the ministry starts back up. But things have to calm a bit. Pray that she will feel the Lord’s comfort and peace.
  • Abe has another workshop starting Monday evening until Wednesday afternoon. I think he is very happy that it is the last one for now. He has planned a less hectic schedule in the fall, combining some of them, so is hoping it will be less strenuous for everyone. Pray for a special blessing on these people, and on him.
  • In July and again August I will be doing a seminar on Immanuel Prayer for Healing the Heart. (That is why Abe can relax a bit!) With a special emphasis on the trauma going on here in Ukraine. So I am in intense preparation all this last week and this coming week. I need to have all the details pulled together by the end of June so that everything is in place for printing materials, updating power points and making new ones, etc… This week 10,000 text messages were sent out about it! This is being strongly backed by the Baptist Union leadership. It is possible we could have 200 people, which to be honest, I find very intimidating! But I know that whatever happens this is the task the Lord has laid before me and has been preparing me for. But, sometimes I have to quell the panic! 😊Pray that the Lord will continue to guide and provide above and beyond what we can even think to ask.

Sometimes I have a day when I decide in the morning that it will be a thanksgiving only day. I will not pray and ask or intercede. Just constantly lifting up gratefulness, and even the people I would normally be praying for, instead I just thank the Lord for them and what He is doing in their lives.

Today a special event will be taking place here. A friend asked if they could use our house to hold a bridal shower. They live in a somewhat crowded apartment, besides which she wanted to make it special. But there are not many options for a private party without paying some big bucks. So last evening even several ladies came to decorate.




It gives us so much joy to share our home with others. We have always known it was God’s house. Yes, at one point we tried to buy it and it fell through. And then we thought we were going to be kicked out—but we weren’t. And so instead of worrying about the future we thank the Lord every day we have the privilege to live in this place with so many memories and which Abe has worked so hard to make beautiful. Among our memories are all the people we have shared our home with, usually when we have gone to North America. But sometimes when we are just gone here for a week or so. Usually it is a reprieve from apartment living. Sometimes a temporary solution for a family in between places.

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”
Colossians 4:2