Abe is working on calling and scheduling meetings. Our greatest difficulty always is that churches only have Sunday morning meetings and we would have to stay here for a year or two to cover everyone on a Sunday!
And he is organizing our van for the two months we will be traveling cross country. It will be our “home” for the duration. The one familiar place for us in our travels. In a certain way we identify with the refugees as we have left all behind and are wandering the earth. We do have return tickets, but we also do not have security with our house as to whether we will be able to continue to live in it back in Ukraine. In view of all the suffering, it seems like a minor issue right now. Mentally we have already had to pack up the things that are very important to us—the most important being documents which we have brought with us. And then we have 3 suitcases packed and marked to be kept for us in Ukraine if we should suddenly have to vacate our house (while we are not there). And so you look at your things—and they are things. Not eternal.
I’m trying to deal with some of the details of life and answering questions and sorting out issues—and not making much progress today. So many little things to take care of that sometimes my mind shuts down. So yes, jetlag continues!
Pray that all the little pieces would come together. Pray for the meetings with individuals/missions groups that are coming up on Thursday and Friday. And then we begin to move into church meetings. Some churches are organizing events on other days than Sundays and we are blessed by that willingness.
I have marked two Bible verses (at least!!) to review every day. Ephesians 6:10 “Finally be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.” We don’t have to do it ourselves. And Psalm 105:4 “Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His face continually.” And I do just spend a lot of time seeking the Lord, looking to Him for strength, and just being with Him. To be honest—I see it as the path of survival for these coming months. I know He is able when we are not.
Thanks for praying
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