A few special days with our daughter Priscilla here last week, joined by Daniel and Ellie on Thursday to Saturday morning. God is so good to us. Few missionaries have family nearby. It was a joy to be together, to play board games, laugh, talk, fellowship. A break from the stresses of war and ministry, although those thoughts are never far away. I am now joyfully 75 years old! (yes, that is a cake in the foreground made by a very talented friend! She “happens” to know my fondness for redbirds/cardinals.) Thank you, Lord, for these special times of joy!
From the last workshop we have 15 Centers of Hope with 6 or 7 people still working on it—some deciding if they want to and some deciding how they will do it. They are learning how to present a budget, how to plan activities, how to reach out to non-Christians in more relational ways. It is exciting to see that many Centers being established in what is still a huge level of chaos in Ukraine. When God laid this on our heart, we thought the war would be over by the time Centers started opening. And so, God’s people press forward! For the salvation of many!
Tomorrow and Wednesday (Feb 7-8) Abe is holding a workshop focused on discipleship.
Pray for the opening of understanding for those who attend. How critical that babes in Christ are nurtured, fed, strengthened, drawn into the body of Christ and into a dynamic relationship with the Lord.
Pray that people would not be hindered from attending through illness or car troubles or other reasons.
Pray especially that it would be a time of encouragement, even as it is training and accountability. It is a difficult work to snatch people from the kingdom of darkness and bring them into the Kingdom of Light!
Abe hopes to begin a whole new cycle of training in March, with a new group of people. The established group will then most likely meet only monthly while the new training will again be bi-weekly. Pray that many new contacts would be made and many more people would come on board. Workers for the harvest, dear Lord.
Everyone expects intense attacks from Russia in February and March. Men daily are giving their lives for the sake of freedom. A group from our church went to the front to take supplies to soldiers from our area and to share the Gospel. They asked one soldier if he was afraid to die. He said no, he had peace with God and knew where he was going. He was prepared to give his life for the sake of his country, so there would be a future for everyone.
Pray for God’s presence to be tangible with these men as they stand against evil.
Pray for the many soldiers who desperately need to find a relationship with Jesus Christ and commit themselves to Him.
And yes, pray for the war to end.
The Father loves to hear our prayers for His glory, His kingdom, and His will. He delights to answer such prayers. He has the ability to do what we ask. There is no way that the almighty sovereign God of the universe will ever let history come to an end without glorifying His name, establishing His glorious kingdom, and accomplishing His will fully and completely. In fact He is already doing these things, and the day will come when they will all be done on earth as perfectly as they are done in heaven. So pray them in faith; pray them with absolute confidence. You are contributing to the realization of His purposes! That’s an exciting way to pray.
Almighty Sovereign God, the hour is urgent, and the need is great! I plead with You to hallow Your name, advance Your kingdom and do Your will on this earth! Establish Your glorious kingdom as You move in power! Do it, Lord! With a voice of confidence, I ask You to rule and to reign! The enemy’s defeat is sure because You have already spoken His future!
The above is quoted from Harvest Prayer Ministries
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